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Rules & Regulation

  • It is compulsory for every child to come to school by following the rules give below:
  • Students discipline and punctuality will be kept on the prior basic.
  • Students are required to come in the school in full uniform as defined by the school administrator on different days along with well polished shoes, nails well filed, clean teeth and hair properly combed.
  • Girls should have to plaits and boys with hair cut.
  • Student must come to school bringing school dairy signed by the parents on daily basis, books and note-books as according to the time table.
  • Gold ornaments, Jewellery and costly articles should not be brought to the school.
  • Any damage done in the class or in the premises will have to be paid by the parents of the child concerned and school property should be preserved with care.
  • The parents should meet class teachers only on Saturdays, or by prior appointment through the Principal to avoid any disturbance during the Class hours.
  • During the departure time, students will move out of the classes in line along with their teachers.
  • Each and every child must bring his/her lunch box and water bottle
  • In nursery, KG and 1st class student's, parents must send one extra dress in their bag.
  • In matter of taking leave, prior information in the form of application with parents signature should be submitted in the Principal office.
  • Students upto 10th class are not allowed to come in the school by any type of vehicle ( 2-wheelers & 4 wheelers ) only 11th and 12th class student's are allowed to bring vehicle only after getting permission from the Principal desk. Their entry will be possible if they will be having student's license.