About Us

Aims & Objectives

Our objective is to give the child a firm grounding in the fundamentals of education from his earliest school years, which are the most impressionable, to form correct study habits, develop in him a healthy curiosity and love for books, apart from this our motive is to in still in him an understanding and appreciation of the beauty in art, nature, human relationship and moral values.

First and foremost our aim is to provide each and every pupil with a childhood full of positive experiences, to remember one which is full of diversity and richness, warmth, colour and fulfillment. We seek to provide every child with a broad based education in terms of academics, sports and leisure activities.

The youth, we are educating are the leaders of tomorrow, they need more than high percentage, to achieve in a global world. We aim to help every child to perform at the very top of their ability. We provide a balanced, safe and realistic environment for young people to learn and grow. The tradition of perseverance, duty, tolerance and openness are strongly upheld.

In overall terms, we seek to turn out young men and women with a well developed personality prepared to engage and contribute to the community.